AMBROSIA 客道 : The Magazine of The International Culinary Institute

AMBROSIA is the magazine of the Vocational Training Council's International Culinary Institute, curated as a world-renowned magazine, reflecting ICI’s ambition to inspire debate and a lively exchange of information and opinion about the culinary arts. The magazine is called AMBROSIA because its pages will be graced by heavenly creations; and its editorial mission has an Asian perspective. This region’s creativity, hard work and humility bring a special accent to everything it touches and this is profoundly true of its unique art of hospitality and philosophy of food.
Volume 12 (2024)
Full Issue
Front Matter
Welcome message 歡迎您
ICI Editorial Team
Interview: Chef Per Henrik Jonsson
Carla Thomas
Cover Story: Sarah Heller
Carla Thomas
Bake in Business 烘出新天地
Liz Kerr
Secrets of Success 成功之道
Sarah Fung and Carla Thomas
Dining for the Future 高級餐飲邁向可持續未來
Leona Liu
From China to the World 中華美饌 耀眼國際
India-Jayne Trainor
The Power of Partnerships 眾志成城
Anna Cummins
End Matter

- Editor
- Carla Thomas
- Art Director
- Tammy Tan
- Chinese Editor
- Vivianna Cheong
- Chinese Translator
- Fiorence Chan
- Contributors
- India-Jayne Trainor
- Anna Cummins
- Leona Liu
- Liz Kerr
- Photographer
- Ike Li
- Publisher
- Sarah Fung