Submissions from 2014
Leading change and the challenges of managing a learning organisation in Hong Kong, Anthony Chi Lek Chow
Replanting the flower in different soil? a critical analysis of education borrowing in Hong Kong, Anthony Chi Lek Chow
Understanding policy change: multiple streams and national education curriculum policy in Hong Kong, Anthony Chi Lek Chow
Adaptive reuse of industrial buildings for affordable housing in Hong Kong, Tris Kee
Economising subsidies for green housing features: a stated preference approach, Wai Kin, Elvis Lau; Shuk Man Chiu; and Yung Yau
Assessing the disability inclusiveness of university buildings, Wai Kin, Elvis Lau; Daniel C.W. Ho; and Yung Yau
Production of extended self: integrating life experience in fashion design, Wing-sun Liu; Eric Li; Yee Nee, Elita Lam; and Magnum Man Lok Lam
We own the city: enabling community practice in architecture and urban planning, Francesca Miazzo and Yee Chun,Tristance Kee
身邊的免費診所, Shulin Shi (史舒琳) and Yuen King, Paul Chan (陳元敬)
How does enclosure influence environmental preferences? a cognitive study on urban public open spaces in Hong Kong, Shulin Shi, Zhonghua Gou, and Leslie H.C. Chen
Submissions from 2013
The role of narratives and storytelling in the construction of meanings of the cultural landscapes of Hong Kong, Yin Lun Chan
Conceptual recombination: a method for producing exploratory and transformational creativity in creative works, Edward Chor Kin Hung and Clifford S.T. Choy
建築不斷求進 Staying at the forefront of architecture, Tris Kee (祈宜臻)
观塘工业区的活化和发展研究 Urban revitalization of old industrial district in Hong Kong, Tris Kee (祈宜臻)
Participatory action research in fashion studies and education: a review of, Magnum Man Lok LAM and Wing Sun Liu
From aesthetic experience to product design and innovation: a case study of the use of earphones in Hong Kong, Magnum Man Lok LAM; Wing Sun Liu; Yee Nee, Elita Lam; and Han Han
Behind fake luxury brands consumption: understanding embodied brand knowledge under Chinese cultural context, Magnum Man Lok LAM, Wing Sun Liu, and Chester To
Submissions from 2012
HKILA accredited list of arboricultural practitioners, Paul Yuen King Chan
香港園境師學會園境師培訓及樹藝從業員認可計劃之最新發展 The latest development on landscape architectural education and accredited arboricultural practitioners programs in Hong Kong, Paul Yuen King Chan (陳元敬)
Review of the exhibition: Vision of nature: lost & found in Asian contemporary art, Pao’s Galleries, Hong Kong Arts Centre, 10 December 2011 - 29 January 2012, Winnie Yuen Lai Chan
以園境學視角淺談論增中國城市居民健康 Benefits to city dwellers' well-being: a landscape perspective, Leslie H.C. Chen (陳弘志) and Shulin Shi (史舒琳)
Contemporary practice and global architecture, Tris Kee
OPUS Hong Kong: innovative building technology meets hyper-luxury housing, Tris Kee
舊大澳警署之百年使命與保育: 大澳文物酒店開業紀念刊物 Old Tai O Police Station: the evolution of a centenary monument: commemorating the opening of Tai O Heritage Hotel, Tris Kee (祈宜臻)
Architecture Teaching Kit for Senior Secondary Curriculum, for the Education Bureau, HKSAR, HKIA and CreateHK (CSI) funding, Tris Kee and Wah Sang Wong
Dump it out! exploring gendered consumption experience in handbag, Magnum Man Lok LAM; Wing Sun Liu; and Yee Nee, Elita Lam
Submissions from 2011
Greening in Hong Kong and accreditation of arboricultural practitioners, Paul Yuen King Chan
Chinese garden research in the twenty-first century: ways and field of research, Winnie Yuen Lai Chan and Antonio Jose Mezcua Lopez
Green infrastructure development at the boundary of urban areas in Hong Kong: from micro to macro scale, Leslie H.C. Chen, Y. Liu, and Weijia Shang
Framing Hong Kong's sustainable future: beyond the greening master plan, Leslie H.C. Chen, A. Zhang, and Weijia Shang
Waterfront landscape and associated planning policy: a comparative study between Tianjin and Hong Kong, Leslie H.C. Chen, A. Zhang, and Weijia Shang
Consumption and religious community: a new interpretation and representation of religious moralism in consumption, Magnum Man Lok LAM and Wing Sun Liu
Researching Chinese consumers: proposal of an ethno semiotics approach, Magnum Man Lok LAM, Wing Sun Liu, and Chester To
The assumed emotion and brand literacy: understanding brand-identity relationship in the interdependent Asian context, Magnum Man Lok LAM, Wing Sun Liu, and Chester To
把虛擬的感情融入到時尚品牌的識別中: 在相互依賴的亞洲情況中理解品牌識別關係 Putting assumed emotion in fashion brand literacy: understanding brand-identity relationship in the interdependent Asian context, Magnum Man Lok LAM (林敏諾), Wing Sun Liu (廖泳新), and Chester Kin-Man To (杜堅民)
Open building implementation in high-rise residential buildings in Hong Kong, Wai Kin, Elvis Lau and Daniel C.W. Ho
Enclosure and its health promoting effects of urban open spaces, Shulin Shi and Leslie H.C. Chen
Submissions from 2010
The impact of social, economic variables and logistics performance on Asian apparel exporting countries, Kin Fan Au and Man Hin, Eve Chan
清代扬州绅商对于园林文化形式的再造 Gentry merchant’s remaking of cultural form for gardens in Qing Yangzhou, Winnie Yuen Lai Chan (陳婉麗)
Macao future landscape and development policy study report, phase 1 & 2, Leslie H.C. Chen
香港大學社區工作坊 Community project workshop, Tris Kee (祈宜臻)
Green landscaping, Man Yee, Caroline Law
Submissions from 2009
Asian textiles: rebirth after MFA, Kin Fan Au and Man Hin, Eve Chan
The impact of China’s clothing exports on South Asian countries, Kin Fan Au and Man Hin, Eve Chan
Building design to foster a quality and sustainable built environment, Paul Yuen King Chan
Exploring a new mode of sustainable development: taking the hyperdense city of Hong Kong as an example, Leslie H.C. Chen and Weijia Shang
Waterfront enhancement as catalyst for urban regeneration: Tianjin Haihe River in China, Leslie H.C. Chen and Weijia Shang
專業精神與行業競爭力: 以香港為例談如何建立風景園林行業之專業地位 Professionalism and competency: Hong Kong's model of establishing the profession of landscape architecture, Leslie H.C. Chen (陳弘志) and An Zhang (張安)
建設可持續發展的未來: 香港綠化總綱圖計劃 Framing Hong Kong's sustainable future: beyond the greening master plan, Leslie H.C. Chen (陳弘志), A. Zhang (張安), and Weijia Shang (尚衛嘉)
A study of countries’ logistics performance and export, D.C.K. Ho; Man Hin, Eve Chan; and T.L. Yip
From production landscape to consumption landscape: a study on the transformation of arts districts in Bejing, Shaojun Li and Leslie H.C. Chen
Health promoting effects of enclosure of urban public open spaces: through behavioral studies in Hong Kong, Shulin Shi
Elementary exploration of win-win urban landscape design from the perspective of ecology, Shulin Shi and Leslie H.C. Chen
Design process, design in progress: Fontainebleau Summer 2008, Chin Hong, Jonas Tang
Submissions from 2008
Economic, social, and policy determinants of EU-5 and American apparel imports: a gravity model analysis, Kin Fan Au and Man Hin, Eve Chan
Gravity trade model : an empirical analysis of apparel exports for Hong Kong, Man Hin, Eve Chan and Kin Fan Au
The impact of China’s apparel exports on other Asian suppliers, Man Hin, Eve Chan and Kin Fan Au
Forecasting apparel exports of selected East Asian countries after quota phase out, Man Hin, Eve Chan; Kin Fan Au; and K.F. Choi
Antecedents to India's textile exports: 1985–2005, Man Hin, Eve Chan; Kin Fan Au; and Manas K. Sarkar
Cattle depot artist village urban transformative landscape, Leslie H.C. Chen and Shaojun Li
Hong Kong's landscape character, Leslie H.C. Chen and Weijia Shang
Mountain, water and human: Hong Kong's experience on the protection and development of shan-shui & city, Leslie H.C. Chen, Weijia Shang, and G. Lin
Re-shaping Hong Kong's landscape: an introduction of Hong Kong's greening master plan scheme, Leslie H.C. Chen and An Zhang
Quantifying benefits of urban green spaces for climate change mitigation: experiences from a CITYgreen study in Leipzig, Man Yee, Caroline Law and Hans Dieter Kasperidus
Submissions from 2007
The effects of determinants on EU-5 and USA apparel imports: a gravity model analysis approach, Kin Fan Au and Man Hin, Eve Chan
Determinants of China's textile exports: an analysis by gravity model, Man Hin, Eve Chan and Kin Fan Au
Impacts of trade protectionism and determinants of China's textiles and clothing exports : an gravity model analysis, Man Hin, Eve Chan and Kin Fan Au
Towards sustainable landscape architectural works in Hong Kong, Leslie H.C. Chen
实践与研究: 香港园境师学会园境设计奖2006 Practice and research: reflections from The HKILA Award 2006, Leslie H.C. Chen (陳弘志)
零五至零七: 香港大學園境建築碩士畢業論文 A brief of master on landscape architecture 2005-2007 thesis projects, The University of Hong Kong, Leslie H.C. Chen (陳弘志)
規劃不以人為本 何不仿傚深圳, Man Yee, Caroline Law (羅敏儀)
Submissions from 2006
Sites of 'Chineseness' : reconstructing the imagery of the Chinese garden in contemporary Chinese art and architecture, Winnie Yuen Lai Chan
香港大學園境建築碩士畢業論文2003-2005 Master of landscape architecture 2003-2005 thesis projects, HKU, Leslie H.C. Chen (陳弘志)
如何在香港高度密集的都巿環境中創造有價值的'暫態景觀' The creation of valuable ephemeral landscape in the hyper-dense urban environment of Hong Kong, Leslie H.C. Chen (陳弘志) and Chun Hing, Ringo Lee (李俊興)
Hong Kong's Wetland Park: coincidental significance?, Leslie H.C. Chen and W.T.R. Lin
中國園林中的聲學 The audible Chinese garden and beyond, Leslie H.C. Chen (陳弘志) and An Zhang (張安)
創新與求實: 香港大學園境學碩士課程設計介紹 Exploration on creativity & practicality: an introduction to the studio works of MLA at The University of Hong Kong, Leslie H.C. Chen (陳弘志) and An Zhang (張安)
Submissions from 2001
Landscape rights, landscape aesthetics, and landscape ordinances, Leslie H.C. Chen
Submissions from 2000
Master of landscape architecture, Leslie H.C. Chen
Submissions from 1999
Plantabase (PLANT-ing da-TA-BASE): an intelligent digital multimedia plant selection database: release 2.0, Leslie H.C. Chen
The 6th year: master of landscape architecture at The University of Hong Kong, Leslie H.C. Chen
Landscape architecture in Hong Kong, Leslie H.C. Chen and Siu Fung Koo
Submissions from 1998
Greening of Hong Kong: a first thought on vertical planting on buildings, Leslie H.C. Chen, K.P. Cheung, S.S.Y. Lau, L.H. Chong, and W.H. Yau
有形復無形: 園境建築中設計意匠的顯與隱 To be visible or invisible: an issue of design intent in landscape architecture, Leslie H.C. Chen (陳弘志) and Siu Fung Koo
Some problems associated with a highrise construction in mid-levels scheduled area, Shu Ming, Albert Lai
Space is people & people is space: towards a phenomenological experience of squatter space in Diamond Hill, Chun Hing, Ringo Lee
Submissions from 1997
Towards an intelligent digital multimedia plant selection database, Leslie H.C. Chen
Submissions from 1996
Multimedia CD-rom based planting design software and beyond, Leslie H.C. Chen
Submissions from 1992
Environmental assessment study on tunneling aspects of a metropolitan subway, Shu Ming, Albert Lai
Submissions from 1983
Geometric nonlinearities in unbraced multistory frames, Shu Ming, Albert Lai and James G. MacGregor
Geometric nonlinearities in non-sway frames, Shu Ming, Albert Lai; James G. MacGregor; and Jostein Hellesland