
Self-dissatisfaction versus political frustrations: Analysis of radicalism among Hong Kong youth

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date



There have been raising concerns about the radicalization of Hong Kong youths in recent years. With reference to the frustration-aggression hypothesis, this study examined the relative importance of personal vs political grievances in explaining the support for radical protests. A sample of 792 cases were surveyed among students aged 17-30 from two local tertiary institutions. Regression analysis showed that political frustrations accounted for more impacts than frustrations about their personal situations (self-dissatisfaction) on their support to radicalism. Interestingly, dissatisfaction towards the Hong Kong government was no longer a significant determinant after controlling the variables of their views towards the Central government and Chinese identity.

Source Publication

Society for Hong Kong Studies First Annual Conference, on 22 June 2019, at The University of Hong Kong

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