Understanding the career commitment of hotel middle managersin Hong KongUnderstanding the career commitment of hotel middle managers in Hong Kong

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date



Career Commitment, Hotel, Middle Manager, Hong Kong, Quantitative Research


The hotel business in Hong Kong has become more prosperous in the last decade. According to the estimated figure by the Hong Kong Tourism Board, there will be over 300 hotels in Hong Kong in 2020. However, the industry has long faced the problem of labour shortage for a variety of reasons, such as the nature of the job, salary expectations, and career prospects. Career commitment is identified as one of the solutions to combat labour shortages as by fostering career committed and talented people will be more likely to stay in the Profession. This study examines the career commitment of hotel middle managers in Hong Kong, who play an indispensable role in daily hotel operations and middleman between senior management and junior staff. A quantitative survey was used to explore the perceptions of the respondents on career commitment related statements; 135 valid questionnaires were returned by middle managers from more than 20 hotels in Hong Kong. The mean scores of statements suggested a generally positive stance on career commitment. Further analysis of data was conducted by the independent sample t-test and one-way analysis of variance with different demographic variables to investigate whether there are any significant difference(s) among groups of respondents. Recommendations and discussions with senior management and human resources professionals were undertaken to ascertain their views regarding policies and directions to acquire, develop, and retain talented middle managers in the hotel industry.

Source Publication

International Conference on Hospitality, Leisure, Sports and Tourism

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