Document Type

Journal Article

Publication Date



Modern menswear, design preferences, men’s clothing design, males in Hong Kong, psychology in clothing




Proportional grading, which offers the closest fit by producing various sizes, is commonly used in sizing systems for mass production today. However, wearers’ socio-psychological concerns are not taken into account during the development of the system, which may churn out ineffective fits. This study provides knowledge of menswear evaluation by taking into account men’s physical and socio-psychological dimensions. This study successfully categorizes modern males according to their preferences of menswear, concerning the predictors of menswear design preferences in physical (i.e. Body Mass Index [BMI]) and psychological dimensions (i.e. menswear functions and menswear involvement). Subjects were divided into three clusters: (1) Fashion & Masculine; (2) Low-Function Value; and (3) Camouflage and Comfort; in which they were identified as having different clothing preferences as they had unique characteristics in clothing functions and levels of fashion involvement. The results suggested that modern men treat fashion in a multidimensional way that might be even more complicated than women. Not just for practical function and performance, they also dress to promote their identity, style and image based on their own concerns.

Source Publication

The Design Journal

Volume Number


First Page


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