Enabled by design: enquiry into the living patterns of Hong Kong high-rise communities

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date



This paper also intends to explore the possibility of making this experience a foundation for future models of pedagogy. The learning processes mention would not only happen exclusively within the campus, but would also be open to the community and public. This paper reports the process and results of a survey developed as a collaboration between a design researcher in participation, design educators, a sociologist, local activists, design students and their families and friends. We discussed how this model could be an exploration for forming a community for enquiry. This process advocated the use of open enquiry, common tool creation and co-learning activity to carry out the research. This is an on-going process and we will discuss its latest development: from design education to civic education to create tools and platforms for an archive of Hong Kong lived-in homes.

Source Publication

DesignEd Asia Conference 2013, Dec 3-4, Hong Kong

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