
Submissions from 2021


职专教育 职看未来, PricewaterhouseCoopers Advisory Services Limited (羅兵咸永道諮詢服務有限公司)


職專教育 職看未來 Vocational and Professional Education and Training - Shaping the Future of Work, PricewaterhouseCoopers Advisory Services Limited (羅兵咸永道諮詢服務有限公司)

Submissions from 2017


Behavior and informal learning at night in a 24-hour space: a case study of the Hong Kong Design Institute Library, Chun Sing, Terry Yip; Dickson Chiu; Allan Cho; and Patrick Lo

Submissions from 2015


Information for inspiration: understanding information-seeking behaviour and library usage of students at the Hong Kong Design Institute, Patrick Lo and Wilson Chu

Submissions from 2014

Learning styles and learning preferences of higher diploma students, Man Wai, Janet Cheung; Kar Wai, Joanna Cheng; and Nga Lun, Alan Wong

Engaging students with clickers in language lessons, Man Wai, Janet Cheung; Nga Lun, Alan Wong; and Yin Ha, Emmy Chan

Submissions from 2013

Helping students to achieve outcomes through the mode of education 3.0, Man Wai, Janet Cheung and Nga Lun, Alan Wong


Modeling your college library after a commercial bookstore? the Hong Kong Design Institute Library experience, Patrick Lo, Dickson C.W. Chiu, and Wilson Chu

Regulating creativity and management constraints in design practice, Yuk Kwan, Ricky Ng and Hing Yui, Nichole Chan


Hong Kong industrial history: brief account of the accompanying role played by technical education and training, Dan Waters


Hong Kong industrial history: brief account of the accompanying role played by technical education and training: part two, Dan Waters


Tradition and future: VET in Hong Kong, a new perspective, Carrie Yau

Submissions from 2010


Commemorative Book for the New Campuses of HKDI and IVE (Lee Wai Lee), HKDI & IVE (Lee Wai Lee)

Submissions from 2008

One couple two cultures : 81 Western-Chinese couples talk about love and marriage, Dan Waters

Submissions from 2007

維修保養石油氣的士及廢氣排放, Lai Kai Lau (劉禮佳)


承擔,求新,創未來:職業訓練局銀禧紀念集 VTC 25th Anniversary, 《職業訓練局銀禧紀念集》編委會

Submissions from 2002


A brief history of technical education in Hong Kong: with special reference to the Polytechnic University, Dan Waters

Submissions from 2000


A brief history of technical education in Hong Kong 1863 to 1980: a lecture delivered by Dr D D Waters ISO BBS: on the occasion of the Morrison Hill Technical Institute's 30th Anniversary: 12 October 2000, Dan Waters


A brief history of technical education in Hong Kong 1863 to 1980: a paper presented on the occasion of the 30th Anniversary: 12 October 2000, Dan Waters

Submissions from 1992

Financing craft and technician education: 1967 to 1987, Dan Waters

Submissions from 1988


A brief history of technical education in Hong Kong, Dan Waters

Submissions from 1987


Technical education and training: with special reference to developing countries, Dan Waters and Gailer J. W.

Submissions from 1985


The planning of craft and technician education in Hong Kong, 1957 to 1982, Dan Waters

Case study: A development plan for "countryland", Dan Waters and Gailer J. W.

Submissions from 1982


Address speech for the exhibition by part-time evening students of window display of the Lee Wai Lee Technical Institute 李惠利工業學院夜學課程「櫥窗設計」展覽, 前署理教育處處長(工業) 華德斯先生致辭, Dan Waters


The technical institutes in Hong Kong, 1969 to 1980: a study of their development, Dan Waters

Submissions from 1980


Address speech for the Joint Prize-giving Ceremony of the Caritas Prevocational Schools, Dan Waters


A head of his time: the management style of a head, Dan Waters


A speech of challenges on teaching technical courses in the medium of Chinese, Dan Waters


A speech of English for specific purposes (ESP), Dan Waters

Submissions from 1979


The development of technical education in Hong Kong and opportunities for prevocational school leavers, Dan Waters

Submissions from 1974


The future role of the training officer in Hong Kong, Dan Waters

Submissions from 1972


Vocational training in a developing country, Dan Waters

Submissions from 1969


Vocational training in Hong Kong, Dan Waters

Vocational training in Japan 日本に 於ける職業訓練, Dan Waters

Submissions from 1968

Accelerated industrial training in Belgium, Dan Waters

A visitor's impression of vocational training in the USA, Dan Waters

Technical education & vocational training in France, Dan Waters

Vocational training in the Netherlands, Dan Waters

Submissions from 1965

Problems met in the training of technicians 訓練技術人員的問題, Dan Waters