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Sunday, August 6th
12:00 AM

Distance and open learning – web-based training (WBT) development process consideration

Donna Wing Yiu Lau, Vocational Training Council

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Doing the research is only half the job: the impact of vet research on decision-making

Chris Robinson, National Centre for Vocational Education Research, Australia (NCVER)
Sarah Hayman, National Centre for Vocational Education Research

Hong Kong Conventional & Exhibition Centre

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Industrialization, the new economy, and the occupational work ethic

Gregory C. Petty, University of Tennessee

Hong Kong Conventional & Exhibition Centre

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Industry partnership for graduation stage of higher vocational education

Dan-dan Shi, Zhejiang University of Technology, China
Xiao-hong Chen, Zhejiang University of Technology, China

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Knowledge development at the interface of research, policy and practice: support for knowledge development within the cedefop research arena (cedra)

Graham Attwell, Pontydysgu, Wales
Alan Brown, University of Warwick

Hong Kong Conventional & Exhibition Centre

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Ncver’s web site and the voced research database

Sarah Hayman, National Centre for Vocational Education Research, Australia (NCVER)

Hong Kong Conventional & Exhibition Centre

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New roles of vocational education and vocational teachers for technological change: a case study of the Hong Kong institute of vocational education

Che Keung Yeung, Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Kwun Tong),Vocational Training Council
Choi Fung Cheng, Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Kwun Tong),Vocational Training Council
Alfred Koo, Vocational Training Council

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Research on vocational education and training as a field for knowledge development: starting points for the cedefop research arena

Pekka Kämäräinen, European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, Greece

Hong Kong Conventional & Exhibition Centre

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Tele-operation of a manufacturing system for vocational education

Hing Fung, Francis Tsang, Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Chai Wan), Vocational Training Council
Kam Fat, Jonathan Lee, Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Chai Wan), Vocational Training Council

Hong Kong Conventional & Exhibition Centre

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The implication of advances in wireless data communications on e-commerce

Lawrence Cheung, Hong Kong Productivity Council

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The occupational skill testing and certification systems in Hong Kong

S.P. Fu, Vocational Training Council

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The renaissance of vocational education and training: miscellaneous hints for undernourished elephants yearning to dance

Robert Sadler, Chisholm Institute of Technical and Further Education, Australia

Hong Kong Conventional & Exhibition Centre

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Use of web-based collaboration and knowledge transformation tools to support the development of a learning community to enhance careers guidance practice

Alan Brown, University of Warwick, England
Graham Attwell, University of East London, England
Jenny Bimrose, University of East London, England

Hong Kong Conventional & Exhibition Centre

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Worldwide technology trend of electronics products

Lawrence Cheung, Hong Kong Productivity Council

Hong Kong Conventional & Exhibition Centre

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