
Hong Kong Conventional & Exhibition Centre

Source Publication

IVETA 2000 Conference Proceedings


In its recent consultative document, the Education Commission recommended that, through portable and transferable credits, learners’ achievements attained through different channels are recognized. However, this paper argues that: · Increasing participation should not be viewed as equivalent to widening participation. · The distinction between continuing education and higher education becomes blurred. The paper concludes that the policy on lifelong learning seems to have been shaped by two factors economic and social equity. The development of these policies is part of a wider process of change – change in the higher education system, funding mechanisms, and university curricula.

Document Type

Conference Paper


Aug 6th, 12:00 AM

Mobility, flexibility and accessibility of postsecondary education in Hong Kong

Hong Kong Conventional & Exhibition Centre

In its recent consultative document, the Education Commission recommended that, through portable and transferable credits, learners’ achievements attained through different channels are recognized. However, this paper argues that: · Increasing participation should not be viewed as equivalent to widening participation. · The distinction between continuing education and higher education becomes blurred. The paper concludes that the policy on lifelong learning seems to have been shaped by two factors economic and social equity. The development of these policies is part of a wider process of change – change in the higher education system, funding mechanisms, and university curricula.