Hong Kong Conventional & Exhibition Centre
Source Publication
IVETA 2000 Conference Proceedings
People working in a community can be grouped into clusters of varying education/training background. Flowing of workers between groups is evident, with movement starting from birth and ending to death. Graph theory is applied to denote the system. Analogy to an electric circuit is referred for quick over-viewing and solution. Figures for manpower planning are predicted.
Document Type
Conference Paper
Recommended Citation
Leung, K. (2000). Graph theory, job-labour system and manpower planning. IVETA 2000 Conference Proceedings. Retrieved from https://repository.vtc.edu.hk/ive-adm-others-iveta/2000/hr/17
Included in
Graph theory, job-labour system and manpower planning
Hong Kong Conventional & Exhibition Centre
People working in a community can be grouped into clusters of varying education/training background. Flowing of workers between groups is evident, with movement starting from birth and ending to death. Graph theory is applied to denote the system. Analogy to an electric circuit is referred for quick over-viewing and solution. Figures for manpower planning are predicted.