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AMBROSIA 客道 : The Magazine of The International Culinary Institute

Sauternes, Wine, Debra Meiburg, Master of Wine, Wine tasting, Wine pairing
Document Type
To combine wine and food with finesse is a skill that can take decades to acquire. Master of wine Debra Meiburg teaches some of Hong Kong's most popular oenophile workshops and knows a few helpful shortcuts. But as Daniel Jeffreys discovered, even she finds it challenging to choose a good dining partner for Sauternes, one of the most complex and perplexing creations of viticulture.
將美食與美酒完美結合,達至和諧相容,是門高深的技巧,即使花上數十年來鑽研,亦不為過。葡萄酒大師Debra Meiburg深諳此道,她在香港舉辦了一系列品酒工作坊,深受愛酒人士的青睞。不過,即便是對她而言,要為秉性奇特、口感複雜的梭甸甜酒(Sauternes)找到相襯的菜餚也絕非易事。
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Recommended Citation
"Pair game 天作之合,"
AMBROSIA 客道 : The Magazine of The International Culinary Institute: , 24-31.
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