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AMBROSIA 客道 : The Magazine of The International Culinary Institute

Mariana Sebess, Globalization, Cuisine, Attitude, Argentina
Document Type
Globalization is most frequently associated with technology or banking, but it has been an equally influential force in the culinary industry. Although some chefs resist cross-cultural integration, Mariana Sebess, Academic Director of the Prestigious Mausi Sebess Culinary Arts Institute, believes that chefs should embrace the concept of world food and draw upon regional cuisines in the dishes they make.
提起全球化,人們往往會聯想到科技或金融發展,事實上,餐飲業的全球化亦備受關注,並在人們的生活中擁有舉足輕重的地位。一些廚師對於跨文化的廚藝融合頗為反感,不過其支持者也不在少數。Mausi Sebess烹飪藝術學院的學術總監Mariana Sebess就是其中一位,她深信廚師應該順應美食全球化的趨勢,集各地美食之所長,從而創造出獨特的美味佳餚。
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"World class skills 尋味全球,"
AMBROSIA 客道 : The Magazine of The International Culinary Institute: , 44-49.
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