Urban design study for the New Central Harbourfront stage 2 public engagement public opinion collection exercise

Document Type

Technical Report

Publication Date



The focus of the Stage 2 Public Engagement was to collect public views on the urban design vision and refined urban design framework for the new Central harbourfront as well as the design concepts for the key sites including those for reassembling QP and reconstructing the Old SF Clock Tower.

The Stage 2 public engagement commenced on 11 April and completed in end July 2008. With the aim to consult a wider sector of the community, the public engagement activities comprised two large scale public exhibitions (with 13,700 visitors) complemented by seven roving exhibitions (with 11,340 visitors), a focus group workshop (with 49 participants), a community engagement forum (with 142 participants), collection of public views through comment cards (1,872 cards collected), telephone polls (2,471 successful cases), face-to-face interviews (365 valid cases), as well as invitation of written submissions (64 submissions). In parallel, consultation sessions and briefings were made to Legislative Council, the Board, Harbour-front Enhancement Committee (HEC), 18 District Councils (DCs), academic and professional institutes and other relevant public and advisory bodies.

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