Hong Kong Conventional & Exhibition Centre
Source Publication
IVETA 2000 Conference Proceedings
As discrimination and hazardous working conditions have been constituting social costs in the Hong Kong economy, legislative progress in enforcing equal opportunity, safety and health at work becomes obvious with the enactment of discrimination ordinances and the Occupational Safety and Health Ordinance in 1997. Educational programmes were being conducted for students to realise such social responsibility soon after they graduate. The evaluation of the educational programmes is based on the empirical data collected after the delivery of educational packages.
Document Type
Conference Paper
Recommended Citation
Tsui, L.,& Lee Wong, S. (2000). Quantitative evaluation of the educational programmes on students’ awareness of social responsibility. IVETA 2000 Conference Proceedings. Retrieved from https://repository.vtc.edu.hk/ive-adm-others-iveta/2000/social/3
Included in
Quantitative evaluation of the educational programmes on students’ awareness of social responsibility
Hong Kong Conventional & Exhibition Centre
As discrimination and hazardous working conditions have been constituting social costs in the Hong Kong economy, legislative progress in enforcing equal opportunity, safety and health at work becomes obvious with the enactment of discrimination ordinances and the Occupational Safety and Health Ordinance in 1997. Educational programmes were being conducted for students to realise such social responsibility soon after they graduate. The evaluation of the educational programmes is based on the empirical data collected after the delivery of educational packages.