SIGNED: The Magazine of The Hong Kong Design Institute

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Founded by award-winning British design entrepreneur Benjamin Hubert, Layer is a closeknit team of industrial and digital designers, engineers, artists, researchers and branding specialists from around the world. They create products that they hope will help define the way we live, work, travel and communicate in the future, from smart wearables and furniture systems to the next generation of Al and communication tools.
Situated in the heart of East London, Layer aims to "transform human-centred insights into evocative design stories that resonate with people and their lifestyles". The firm has received three Highly Commended accolades at the Fast Company's annual Innovation By Design Awards, including product design and creative direction for Nolii, Axyl for Allermuir and Playr, an innovative new wearable designed for Catapult to enable amateur footballers to prepare, perform and recover like the world's best.
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"Studio Showcase - Layer,"
SIGNED: The Magazine of The Hong Kong Design Institute: , 20-23.
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