Hong Kong Conventional & Exhibition Centre
Source Publication
IVETA 2000 Conference Proceedings
The purpose of this study: Analyze the efficacy of a problem gambling training class to train adult learners and determine whether the attitude of this sample towards problem gambling affects their ability to learn about this issue. A survey instrument was designed by the author. The researcher used frequency distribution, crosstabulations, and linear regression to analyze the collected data. The survey sample consisted of adult gaming employees in Las Vegas who attended compulsory problem gambling awareness training.
Document Type
Conference Paper
Recommended Citation
Bybee, L. (2000). Attitude of gaming employees towards problem gambling: how it affects their learning at an awareness training. IVETA 2000 Conference Proceedings. Retrieved from https://repository.vtc.edu.hk/ive-adm-others-iveta/2000/social/2
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Attitude of gaming employees towards problem gambling: how it affects their learning at an awareness training
Hong Kong Conventional & Exhibition Centre
The purpose of this study: Analyze the efficacy of a problem gambling training class to train adult learners and determine whether the attitude of this sample towards problem gambling affects their ability to learn about this issue. A survey instrument was designed by the author. The researcher used frequency distribution, crosstabulations, and linear regression to analyze the collected data. The survey sample consisted of adult gaming employees in Las Vegas who attended compulsory problem gambling awareness training.