
AMBROSIA 客道 : The Magazine of The International Culinary Institute

AMBROSIA 客道 : The Magazine of The International Culinary Institute

Article Title

1 Ingredient 6 Ways 六種變化


Rachel Duffell


Chickpea choices


With a rising demand for Middle Eastern dishes and the popularity of meat-free diets, the humble chickpea is becoming a much-favoured food. The protein-packed, fibre-filled pea-also known as gram or garbanzo and a member of the legume family-lends itself to a number of delectable culinary creations

中東美食熱潮方興未艾,加上素食風氣日盛,廉宜平凡的鷹嘴豆也因此風行起來。鷹嘴豆屬於豆莢科,含有豐富的蛋白質和膳食纖維, 是許多滋味佳餚的主要食材之一